Moo Chews

Freuently Asked Questions

What are Moo Dog Chews?

Moo Chews are natural dog chews made with only Milk and Apple Cider Vinegar. No preservatives, no fillers, no mysterious chemicals! 

How hard are Moo Dog Chews?

Moo Chews are very hard. They are much much harder than bully-sticks but less hard compared to Antlers.

How long do Moo Dog Chews last?

Duration of the chew varies from breed to breed. However these are hard chews so for comparison these chews last much much longer than bully sticks.

What size should I buy?

Medium: 30 pounds and under. Large: Over 30 pounds.

Is it easy to clean after my dog is done enjoying these chews?

Yes, these chews do not leave any mesh behind. It is very easy to clean once you pup is done enjoying these chews. 

What to do if a small piece is left over?

After your dog enjoys the chew and a small piece is left over, take the end piece. Soak the piece in warm water for 5 minutes and heat in 1100 Watt microwave for 45  seconds. Let it cool and you have a delicious puff for your dog to enjoy.